Increase Your Traffic
greater reach and influence

Search Engine Optimized
At ProductCart we're search engine ninjas and we build products that get you higher rankings. You get features like SEO friendly URLs, Automatically Generated XML Site Maps, Product Meta Tags & Alt Tags, which means more sales for you.

Generated XML Site Maps
Your store will automatically generate XML sitemaps to feed to search engines to help increase your rankings.

Facebook Store
Facebook is a great way to connect with your customers and potential customers. ProductCart can implement your store right into your Facebook page. This is a great marketing tool, which highly increases your reach to your potential customers.

Pinterest Integration
ProductCart integrates into Pinterest with rich pins. Your products will be included as pins, increasing the potential of your product being found. These pins link right back to the product where the shopper can purchase it.

Like. Pin. Tweet.
At store or product level your customers can Like, Pin, or Tweet whatever they find.

Google, Bing, and Other
Shopping Directories
Your store's products support listings in shopping directories like Google and Bing. Multi-channel marketing helps drive traffic and increase sales.